The Magical Child: Re-activating the Architecture of Love

1 year ago

Reactivating the True Architecture of LOVE

People need to ask themselves:

“Why am I fighting?
Why do I care?
- you found out there is a world war three going on -it’s been planned for millennia
but why do I care, why AM I fighting?
Am I fighting for me ?

If you have had the courage, the guts and the intelligence to stand up against such a depth of corruption in the systems all around us, you must be fighting for something more than just you.

You’re fighting for the future generations on this planet
-for the human being: Growing, developing, evolving.
-for the loving human being you know IS possible, you know exists.
You’re fighting for those innocents, the children who were born.
You’re fighting for the families bringing up those innocents into the world.
You’re fighting for mother, the father and the child.

And we have forgotten how Mother and Father and Child live in the bonds of love,

because that system -the same system we are fighting- has distorted every single relationship we have ever had.

-What is masculine?
-What is feminine?
What is the power of the woman?
What is the power of the man ?
What is the power of the child?

All of those we have forgotten, because we were firmly instructed in the opposite direction.

-But what if we remember ?
What if, that is our sole aim?
-that we become those beacons of radiant power energy, which defy that system?

Then we have something else entirely.
That is the true battle to fight.
Join that one.
Remind yourself.
We are here to help you remember what that is, because we have fought so hard with every part of our being to remember, to redefine against that awful current of programming.
We have tapped deep into the spirit of love of God Source. We want you to too.

Choosing our parents
Memories from before Birth
Is it school, or home which hurts the children?
How to bring more love into the family
Truly ‘seeing’ our children ( even as adults).
Could Schools offer a different kind of experience?
Forest Schools and other places for children to unfold.
When you find yourself. When you lose yourself. And how to you prevent the loss in the first place?
How to help ‘normies’ create an atmosphere of love for the Magical Child
Learning how to feel ‘into’ our bodies.
The penis as an extension of the heart- what can I give, instead of what can I get?
Sex as an instrument of fear
The love-anticipation of having a MAGICAL CHILD
Feminine aspect of God banned….
How to re-build loving families
How magical children retain authenticity
Parent -Child collaboration
Places which can enable the MAGICAL CHILD
When a woman is heard (valued) she shares love
Stubbornness can be a talent
Mutual compliments
Kari wakes-up- the BLISS of BABIES

Contacts details for our wonderful guests:

life Coach and Akashic Reader, Oana Mindrut:


for Kari Star:

for Isabel Aimee/ Dr B
Books and courses :

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