I don't talk to violent n-words

1 year ago

I don't talk to violent n-words

The Controversial N-word that leads to more censorship

Anyone that still says that the n-word is offensive in and of itself, is just plain stupid. Words require context to even have a well defined meaning.
The N-word was initially meant to just mean black. Someone who is black. Then we allegedly had the slur being used for african slaves , who were working the field or picking cotton. Today that is not the case at all. Nobody is saying the n-word to his cotton picking slaves. The n-word has been completely reclaimed by black people as a good word. Black people are in charge of the entertainment industry, movies ,music ,rap videos, even pornography to an extent. The N-word has now been established to mean something completely different. "You my N-word" - means that you are a friendly guy. "You are the N-word" - means that you are a masculine manly dude. And we are all forced into worshipping the BBC, who seem to be the only masculine men in pornography. Anything related to black is good, and you cannot disagree in public. That is where we actually are. And that type of censorship for any disagreement , is the real evil that is being protected here with this censorship.
People say to me all the time "you would never say the n-word in public", but that only serves my point.
For fear of violence most people have stopped using the word publically, and have even stopped using it flippantly or casually, let alone offensively.
However if you are going to be a black guy who gets violent over such a petty reason like using a simple word, you deserve the N-word being used negatively, in fact you deserve much more than that. There is indignation that certain black people deserve for doing evil things and that indignation is what is being censored ,NOT the word by itself. Black people now have somehow gained a position of being impervious to criticism ,because the threat of violence is always there.
Black people are now in charge of evil censorship, and for that they really are n-words.

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