ANTHONY CHAFFEE 4 | STUDY: for 2 million years humans were APEX PREDATORS!

1 year ago
presents episode 746 | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Plant Free MD podcast

8 million years ago...
-we began being more upright
-smaller teeth & jaws
-using tools to hunt
large animals
Ice age
-only large carnivore survived
-and those who preyed on them
[our ancestors]

Fossil studies show...
-levels of stable nitrogen
-builds up through food chain
-sharks, lions near top
-neanderthals and humans

Ancient Egyptians,
developed plant agriculture
-heavily ate grains
-had atherosclerotic plaques
Originally thought it was only
pharaohs, caused by eating
fatty foods,
-further research shows
-all people eating same type

Israeli study...
-for 2 million years humans
were hyper-carnivore, apex
"Apex predators
They eat the animals below
them on the food chain"


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