Doctor notes for minimum wage workers is bullshit and only a way to exert control #doctor #nurse

1 year ago

CMV: Doctor notes for minimum wage workers is bullshit and only a way to exert control.
Just a heads up for everyone. It is illegal to forge a doctors note, and you could be fired for it. Their templates are all over the internet though, and doctors signatures and what not are all public information.
This clearly depends on where you live. I'm a lawyer as well and I absolutely have to get a doctors note every single time I call in sick. E. Europe here

In Ireland it is only a legal requirement to provide a doctors note after 3 consecutive days of absence
I have this issue with excused absences in college. I have chronic health issues — if I visited the doctor every time I had something that required me to miss class, I’d be there all the damn time. I couldn’t afford it. So I have to force myself to get to class when I’m sick and probably shouldn’t even be driving, because of my school’s attendance policy.
How do you feel about schools requiring a note from the parents if a student misses school?

It should be only if you are out more than 3 days or more that's on business it's better to retain good employees and be kind and show love and have a family employee ethics
This is why you go to work and throw up over everyone. 1. You get to go home.2. They will never doubt you again.
Doctor notes are annoying. Sometimes I am just sick and don’t need to go to the doctor. But now I have have to spend 3-4 hours of the day while sick and pay 25ish dollars to go see a doctor to tell me what I already know.
In the ER right now hoping Walmart will take a doctor's note lol. But you need to be able to prove you're sick. Or else bad workers will take advantage of both the employer and their coworkers by ditching them. Particularly on tough days.
I agree with you. But I’ll also say some corporate jobs do this too. Years ago at an ad agency I was a manager and broke my ankle. I couldn’t get to work for three days and they demanded a doctors note as part of policy. Which I never gave them, and ignored all attempts from them to get one from me.
Most minimum wage employees dont have insurance so spending hundreds of dollars to go to an urgent care only for a note seems ridiculous.. there should be be a time frame of at least out sick 2 or 3 days before a note required
Check what your labor laws are. Here in Oregon if your work requests a sick note from the DR. the employer has to reimburse the cost. But it's not advertised, so most people have no idea..
Had a job that would fire you if they found out you were job hunting so I would have sick days to go do interviews, it was hard getting Dr. notes so I just made sure I took less than three days or had a relative "die".
Yeah. So ?If it was part of the employment agreement, then stand, and deliver.
The last time I was told to get a doctor's note I flat out said im not going to do that write me up if you want.Didn't get a note didn't get written up.
Well, business owners need to know that they're not being lied to by staff. Also, Please explain why you want your view changed.
“Oh but too many people were calling out.” Sounds like a personal problem…It is a personal problem. Your friend's personal problem. If you're on the schedule and you don't come to work, everyone else has to work that much harder. If you're sick, go to the doctor. I don't see how this is a problem.

This is actually an abuse of the medical system. It’s requiring that an MD babysit your employee for you, not to mention delays vital health care for someone who really needs it because those who don’t are overtaxing the system. If you’re a lawyer, take Dominoes and other abusive businesses to task. You’d be doing a service for all of us.

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