Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Dominica Passione...26 March 2023 AD...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Dominica Passione...26 March 2023 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Dominica Passione...26 March 2023 AD...the beginning of the Passiontide, in today's Sermon the true Sovereign Pontiff speaks about the perversion of the heretics and their attempts to destroy the true Roman Catholic Church and Her doctrine of salvation, and then also the perversion of customs, which cannot be compared with the constraints of the Divine Law and the Sacraments, and the Sacraments, as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, cannot be subordinated by customs applied even with the theological background, because the integrity and reality of the Sacrament and thus the whole Sacrifice to God would be compromised...and null at the outcome. Therefore in today's Gospel Christ Our Lord is attacked by the sacrilegious heretics the Pharisees, and nearly stoned for the truth Him testifying that He is God Himself, which truth these heretics didn't believe, and so the analogy is the same today as many do not believe the truth, and by being like this they judge themselves unworthy of Divine help and mercy of God, nor can the true Catholic Church help them, as they as heretics are thus IPSO FACTO excommunicated and cannot be helped unless they renounce their heretical beliefs and false, diabolically supplied and thus anti-Catholic, sectarian opinions...and many will not do so, for which audacious and heretical evil they will have to pay to God, many of these heretics eternally in Hell...


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