Philippines and Japan Hold Bilateral Talks to Strengthen Defense Ties #japan #philippines

1 year ago

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The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), General Andres Centino, held bilateral talks with his Japanese counterpart, Chief of Staff of the Japan Self-Defense Forces Koji Yamazaki, during this year's Defense and Security Equipment International (DSEI) held in Japan from March 14 to 17.

The meeting aimed to discuss opportunities for collaboration and strengthening defense ties between the two countries, including the proposed Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) or a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The RAA would allow for more enhanced training and exercises between the Philippines and Japan.

The talks covered issues of mutual concern in the areas of maritime cooperation and defense, capability development, and the promotion of a rules-based international order in the West Philippine Sea. Yamazaki assured the Philippines of Japan's support in promoting international law and recognizing the 2016 Hague ruling as legally binding.

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