Resolving the Paradox with John Roeland | Dissolving The Divide 15

1 year ago

Great discussion with John, coming from The Natural Freedom League & The People of The NUS! We enjoyed his elaboration of what the Natural Universal Spirit is about and how we can be more in tune with it, which helps dissolve the divides between people, within ourselves and our connection to nature/neter/spirit.

Paradox: mid 16th century (originally denoting a statement contrary to accepted opinion): via late Latin from Greek paradoxon ‘contrary (opinion)’, neuter adjective used as a noun, from para- ‘distinct from’ + doxa ‘opinion’.

As one journeys through life learning all sorts of things along the way, we do come across many "facts", philosophies, opinions, "truths" and bits of information that go against what others have arrived at, and also what one previously learned.. This is not always a paradox, but all too often since the dawning of human kind, or at least since the fall of Atlantis, people have been violent against each other in the face of differing opinions, beliefs, info, etc.. Is this how people are supposed to "naturally" behave? Not when aligned to Natural Law, The Golden Rule or The NUS..

Not everyone is exposed with the same learning tools, or brought up how to learn, how to think, how to perceive reality, etc.. The classical arts & sciences (The Trivium & Quadrivium) were indeed sequestered/hidden from the masses many centuries ago to create divisions and differences between those who could learn properly about reality and themselves, how the mind works, etc and those who didn't have access to that knowledge and learning methodology. Fast forward to today, and we are still manoeuvring through this matrix with many remnants of those causes & effects (among other influences throughout history) in society, social structures and people's psyches.. Although in today's age, we have access to virtually all the information that's been recorded in the public domain, yet what seems to be more important, factual and empowering doesn't always get implemented in school curriculums, mainstream media, etc.. So we thank the brave souls out there who have taken it upon them to shine light on the things that tend to be censored.

You can find John's work and music here:::

Outro song by John Roeland - It's Apparent (feat. Juz Kuz)

Sign up for the FUNL3 Conference, The Trivium on June 24-25 here!

Leslie Powers:
She provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation

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