Question Affirmation Rant #8 | Planet Earth

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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Is it possible in my lifetime to experience peace on earth?
What does this even mean?
How could humans have such a radical shift in their relationship with themselves it became impossible to fight with each other?
What will it take to have peace on earth, and could this journey be simple and fulfilling?
What if we, as a planet, lived in abundance, wealth, joy, and connectedness?
What if my having peace didn’t need to wait on the planet having peace?
What is needed for each individual to receive that they could receive that would also change their life for the better?
What will it take for each person to walk this earth with a new level of conscious awareness?
How possible is it for everyone to be fed, clothed, housed, and taken care of and still be sovereign?
How pristinely clean and natural could our planet become?
What will it take for us to help this process become a reality?
What inspired action is wanting to come through me that would support a positive trajectory for this planet and her people?
What magic is present on earth that we can tap into that could change everything?
What relationship can I have with earth that would support my honoring of her?
What does it look like to have billions of people living in harmony with planet earth?
What flow with earth and her people is possible today?
How might the waters flow clear and clean enough to drink?
What might my role be in this, and how do I support this reality?
How might the air be clean and healthy to breathe?
What is my role in this, and how do I support this reality?
How might our soil be healthy and robust?
What is my role in this, and how do I support this reality?
What amazingness is possible for this planet that we haven’t even thought of yet?
What dance can we humans step into now that will forever change our reality living on this planet for the better right away?
How could I, as one person, change everything for the best right away, easily and effortlessly?
What ascension is being birthed on planet earth that I can assist to come to fruition in an even more gentle and deeply fulfilling way?
How powerful can one person truly be in assisting a positive trajectory for planet earth?
How powerful can billions of people truly be in assisting a positive trajectory for planet earth?
How quickly and easily can it all actually be?
What can come through and is coming through that is blessing our society and the world?

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