Store Owner Calls In Robbery, Ends Up Getting Punched By Cop, Now Suing Police

1 year ago

This happened in 2020. The cops claim they had to punch him because, despite video evidence to the contrary, he was reloading the gun that had not been fired when they initiated violence.

The full video, while it does not have sound, clearly shows Penn pointing the officers to the criminal he had been holding at gunpoint, then putting his gun on the counter. He was attacked, according to him, because he told the cops he was not required to surrender his gun to them.

They kneeled on him and kept him on the floor for 3 minutes, until they noticed the security camera. They then remove him from the view of the camera and spend the next several minutes figuring out how to deactivate the camera.

Typical cop response. No investigation until the video being posted online led to national attention, then they did an "investigation" and discovered their officers did nothing wrong when they attacked the victim who was not suspected of a crime. He still has pending charges (obstruction), although there has been no court date in 3 years.

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