MERRELL FANKHAUSER The EKLECTIA Album UFOs, Contact + a Musical Award

1 year ago

Merrell Fankhauser's first big hit was with an instrumental song he wrote called 'Wipe Out,' when he was just 17 in 1962....the famous song was stolen from him and his band until he once again had legal ownership which he fought for in court, and won in 1994. The fortunes that were made during those years from that song and others he and his band created, that were contracted to the charlatans, were enjoyed by what he called the song sharks who preyed on those whose talent was obvious, but with no experience on protecting themselves from these types who ripped off many others as well.

Merrell's passion for music making was prolific and he has written and produced over 400 songs in 60 years of following his calling. He's a naturally spiritually orientated person, and has spent time in rain forests, in solitude and in a Buddhist ashram in quest of inspiration and understanding of life. One of his other areas of deep interest has been his research and search for the the lost continent of Mu. During these years Merrell has worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry, and recalls a fascinating conversation with John Lennon about the creation of their material, their songs and both said the songs came to them fully formed...John called the process of downloads of songs as coming from his muse, and that he hadn't written any of the Beatles songs....

In November 2022, Merrell was, for the first time, given an award from the Central California area - that of a Local Living Legend, which surely he is, for his service to the music industry .

Enjoy this 1hr15 interview by phone - as the internet is too unreliable in flood and storm bound California.

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