You CAN heal the damage from the CV J*bs! ***important link in video description below!***

1 year ago

*****If you or someone you know is experiencing acute illness/negative side effects since receiving the C*V*D j*bs OR suffering with any other chronic conditions, this information is essential to their healing****

In this episode of the Ava in the Raw podcast, Ava Schriver Dunn has a very poignant and in depth discussion with the creator of Nano Soma, Dr. Raghavan, about, among other topics, the state of the current medical system, science, and simplicity of following the laws of nature to achieve optimal health, with emphasis on the importance of giving our bodies the correct ingredients for optimal healing, creating true health and increasing our longevity naturally.

As we said in the interview, perhaps it's time for those who did take the j*abs, to just be humble, acknowledge maybe they were wrong (lied to), and now put their focus on doing what they need to do to correct the damage done....before it's too late.

To learn more about Dr. Raghavan's powerfully healing product, click here:

To order Nano Soma, click this link then choose the online "store" closest to you (ie. For Canada, choose US Store).

Nano Soma provides an essential ingredient the body needs to begin it's healing process and activate its innate intelligence for creating optimal health, no matter what health condition one is currently experiencing.

NANO SOMA is made from all natural, food-based ingredients and has no known side effects. It is commonly called policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat and peanuts. This nano-emulsion of policosanol—a substance derived from naturally occurring plant waxes known as long-chain lipid alcohols and has a particle size of less than 60nm. It has disappeared from our food with refinement. Now It is back.

To learn more about Dr. Raghavan's powerfully healing product, click here:

To order Nano Soma, click this link then choose the online "store" closest to you (ie. For Canada, choose US Store).

*This video is raw, hasn't been edited, but too important to wait to share it!

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