"The Successful Hunter" Camo Church Service

1 year ago

Do you want to be a successful hunter both in the field and in your 'hunt" for God and His plan for your life? James and Chad Hampton teach what it takes to be a successful hunter at Life In Christ Church in Owosso, Michigan at their Sunday morning camo church service!

If you would like to schedule James and Chad Hampton to host a Sunday morning camo church service at your church email James@twinfactortv.com!

For more information on Huntin The Truth Ministries or our other ministry brands visit https://stores.twinfactortv.com and watch our content on Rumble at:

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Secrets of the Hunt

Huntin The Truth Ministries

If you are interested in partnering with our ministry brands to teach and inspire people to "hunt" for God and His plan for their lives, view this video at https://rumble.com/v2e25xi-lets-hunt-the-truth-together-partner-with-our-brands.html and contact us at chad@twinfactortv.com!

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