Latest on the Plandemic Friday, September 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Latest on the Plandemic Friday, September 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Latest on the Plandemic

The "vaccine" is the "Delta variant". Don't believe it? Watch this.

There is no "variant" ---- there can't be a "variant" of something that hasn't ever been isolated and identified and sequenced.

We are watching the deliberate genocide of the human race by commercial corporations masquerading as governments.

These corporations have begun a kind of war against people, because they owe you a vast amount of money and they don't want to pay.

It's really quite obvious and simple.

You must organize and you must educate others and you must make use of the laws that exist to protect you and the "remedies" that they provided themselves.

If anyone tries to force you into taking the jab, reply that you are allergic to it.

That's how Bill Gates and his kids avoided the jab.

The great promoter of "vaccines" that killed over 40,000 children and left 750,000 children maimed in India with fake polio vaccine, and who killed 27,000 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a similar campaign, was ALLOWED by people like Joe Biden to begin a very similar only worse campaign in this country.

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