About Oversight Committees Friday, September 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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About Oversight Committees Friday, September 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Oversight Committees need to be under the control of Ombudsmen Committees that protect the rights of individual Assembly members, other Assembly Committee, and officers and officials of the Assembly---- and they need to be subject to review by the General Assembly.

Otherwise, they can be abused and abusive.

The true function of an Oversight Committee is to be on hand when and if there are serious allegations of criminal behavior, such as theft, insurrection, purposeful obstruction, selling information about the Assembly or its members, etc. that are backed up with credible evidence.

Their role is to investigate and make recommendations about such allegations --- which they then bring to the Sheriff's Office, the Continental or U.S. Marshals, or the General Assembly itself --- for further investigation and/or prosecution.

You need to bring this answer to the attention of the Coordinator, Chairman, and members of the Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee may NOT be used to promote political agendas, carry out personal vendettas, used to censor, or take on any other improper activity seeking to control the work of other committees or functions of the Assembly as a whole. Their role is only to investigate serious complaints that are backed up by credible evidence and brought to the Committee by members of the Assembly. They are not allowed to unreasonably or without credible evidence commence investigations on their own, and may not in any case promote any witch hunts against other members or Committees.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/09/about-oversight-committees.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/oversightcommittees.pdf

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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