What is the Best Fat Source for Backpacking?

1 year ago

Do you get tired of the abundance of carbohydrate loaded trail food while on an extended backpacking trip? It’s easy to end up with a bear canister for of expensive dehydrated and freeze-dried meals when you hit the trail because they’re convenient and lightweight. There is no doubt that having a good source of carbs for any trip is super important, but you can have too much of a good thing.

Carbohydrates are an amazing fuel source because our metabolism is primarily a glucose burning machine when it comes to energy production. However, our bodies need fats as well. And the Standard American Diet has led many to believe for decades, that fats are bad and not as important as they really are for energy creation in the human body. Fat is the most essential source of energy for long-term endurance exercises. And if backpacking isn’t a long-term endurance exercise, I don’t know what is.

Walking miles with weight on your back for days at a time makes one consider, how much of this should consist of food and how much room do I need to allow for the days I’m out on the trail? Carbohydrates can be much lighter, but sometimes take-up more space. Fatty foods are often heavier and more compact, but more calorically dense. We really need to find a balanced diet out on the trail just as much as we do in our regular everyday lives.

In this video, I share my most favorite source for a delicious and diverse fatty protein that’s great for any meal during the day. SPAM.

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