Why Pakistan is the SECRET to China Global Success

1 year ago

Why Pakistan is the SECRET to China Global Success and US trying very hard destroying it 為什麼巴基斯坦是中國取得全球成功的秘密,而美國卻極力想摧毀它

China and Pakistan retain a close relationship and China's $62 billion dollar investment through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor has changed the the future of both countries. Let's break down why this relationship is so crucial and why Pakistan is the key trading partner for China's future success 中國和巴基斯坦保持著密切的關係,中國通過中巴經濟走廊的 620 億美元投資改變了兩國的未來。讓我們分析一下為什麼這種關係如此重要,以及為什麼巴基斯坦是中國未來成功的關鍵貿易夥伴

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