A Necessary Insight --- Tuesday, September 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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A Necessary Insight --- Tuesday, September 14, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The way things were set up originally, the States paid in gold or silver (international currency, as you would expect when contracting for services with a foreign government) and the Federal Subcontractors then used that stockpile of gold and/or silver as the collateral to establish credit to pay for their operations.
If you want to think about this in terms of jurisdictions, we met the commercial world at the interface of the international-commercial "border", and used actual assets (gold and silver) as collateral to create and spend commercial paper assets (stocks, bonds, notes, etc.).
This convenience meant that the banks could issue credit at interest and make a fine profit, the Federal Subcontractors were happy, the members of Congress could hold the purse-strings, and with just a small modicum of prudence, all would be well. But something changed....
The Civil War came, and all the chicanery that followed after, then, after the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1907, the Great War and the punitive Treaty of Versailles (a land treaty, which made it worse), and then a mere twenty year hiatus before the second bankruptcy hit, and hello, World War II.
And through this entire period, 1868 to present, our American gold and silver asset holdings have been Slush Funded and "Traded".
We all know what Slush Funded means --- huge investment funds were formed and using these assets, plus a lot of very creative bookkeeping, the rats were able to amass controlling interest in the Fortune 500 and establish commoditing rigging schemes that would make Al Capone blush.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/09/a-necessary-insight.html

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NOTE from Ed:
Trust only the information and
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Discussion http://paulstramer.net
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National Debt Relief https://signinamerica.com/
Thank you. ~ Ed

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