Biden Bumbles: So Incompetent that he Cannot Even Read a Teleprompter.

2 years ago

For 47 years we watched Biden be incompetent and be wrong on every issue. Even when I was a Democrat I saw him as a joke... like most of my fellow Democrats did. He was on the side of NAFTA, Iraq War, and even Segregation. How did he end up in office? We knew by watching him for so long that he was incompetent.... now look at the mess we are in. He has destroyed our secure border (more kids in cages than ever before), Afghanistan was an absolute mess, he is pitting men, women, black, white, (all his labels) against each other, he has destroyed the economy and our energy industry. Maybe the alt-right is correct and he is trying to destroy us intentionally. Then again, he is so incompetent that he cannot even read a teleprompter correctly... so I doubt he is competent enough to head up such a plan. Maybe he is just the puppet. Regardless, how does he still have 30% approval? Who is supporting this complete incompetence... ? Certainly other incompetent people. Maybe he is on Xanax.

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