We Must Stop Raising Babies

2 years ago

When someone calls you a name, or life gets hard, you toughen up and problem solve or you simply smile and walk away. It is no one's responsibility to take care of you or to change your diapers. In this video we see an adult crying because they have to work... a measly 25 hours a week... and they don't understand why people won't baby them and treat them special. They think they should be protected by others, or other entities, and have zero responsibility for taking care of themselves. Honestly, our young people (not all but many) need to get off their cell phones and social media and learn how to deal with these very minor problems. Crying over someone calling you a name is what people do in elementary school... not as adults, but these adults were allowed unfettered access to internet, social media, gaming, etc and never learned how to deal with their emotions or simple problems. Our society will collapse if we continue to create weak people like this.

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