Universal Law of Attraction - Meditation

1 year ago

This Law introduces things, people, or events into our lives through actions, thoughts, or emotions. All these thoughts are energies that we use to attract more energy. Producing positive energy will attract other positive energy. The law brings people with similar interests together.

The Law of Attraction extends the Law of Vibration because we create or attract what we wish based on the vibrational match. Your vibratory state, aligned with words, feelings, actions, and thoughts, becomes a magnet that attracts similar frequencies. Think of it as a radio channel. You can change which channel you broadcast your energy.

The Higher Self is also designed to fill each frequency that has not been learned or mastered with corresponding experiences needed to assure personal growth. For example: if you feel insecure about yourself, your Higher Self will generate opportunities to practice self-confidence. What new opportunities will you create in your life?

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