1 year ago


"There are beautiful musical compositions that we enjoy hearing over and over again. There are flowers that because of their beauty we use to beautify our yards and the rooms in our homes. And there are breath-taking scenes of mountains and waterfalls that we call scenic beauty spots.
But an important question is whether we consider holiness to be beautiful, as the psalmist does when in Psalm 96:9 he wrote, "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before Him, all the earth." As we are by nature, it goes against the grain to see and call holiness beautiful. We find joy and pleasure in unholy things. For to be holy means to be cut off from sin. And we sin in order to get what we call a beautiful life. Did not Adam and Eve sin to become like God? They did not want Jehovah to be God alone and above them. His beauty they sinfully wanted.
You see, the root meaning of the word holy is to be cut off, to be separated. In the context the psalmist had presented the holiness of God, which consists in His being separated from all creatures as being God and God alone. The idols were made of materials which He created. And we must worship God in that beauty of being God alone.

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