Warthog Jump on the level Halo: Another Tribute to Mr. Glass 12/7/2003 (Part 3 of 3) #shorts

1 year ago

Part 1: https://youtube.com/shorts/DDytnJN8hQA
Part 2: https://youtube.com/shorts/D_NolPOH5EM
Part 3: https://youtube.com/shorts/10Ba_rbSFA0

Subscribe for more gaming history gameplay for Halo Combat Evolved and other retro gaming!

I believe I was one of the few people to recreate the Warthog Jump in 2003 on the level "Halo." The original was done by Randall Glass on "The Silent Cartographer" level. This jump was done on the second level of Halo, titled "Halo." To do this, steal all the marines and hide them away from the pelican pickups, and then put them all into one spot. The last couple jumps of the video are Dev Mode/cheat assisted. (Only "never die" and "fall guy" are turned on. The placement of the grenades was not cheat assisted.

Date Originally Recorded: December 7, 2003
Date Originally Uploaded: February 6, 2007
My Original Full Video: https://youtu.be/9yNzzkecbNw

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#warthogjump #haloce

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