QFS, CBDC, China and Andrew & Chris Cuomo are White Hats

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Rumble did not upload my live video from yesterday which is very odd, so I will go again today and cover the same topics

QFS, CBDC, China and Andrew & Chris Cuomo are White Hats

Let us talk QFS and run something past you to ponder

The QFS is a big talking point right now, and everyone has their faith that all systems are going to make a smooth transition.

I have shared my limitations about this change and really feel that this is going to be part of the scare event.

We should be paying more attention to China and Russias partnership and their decision to use mainly the Yuan from now on instead of the dollar. This will also be the case for many countries in Africa and Central America

People have yet to realise that, America, UK, Canada, Australia have no part to deal with them. Is this what is going to awaken the masses. As the banks crash, the move to QFS we may see issues with the funds and see how much involvement there is with The Deep State players. We have been warned about a Scare event.

I invite you to leave your comments and let me know your thoughts after what I shared, please watch the video first.

I also share lots of proof that Chris and Andrew Cuomo are good guys and have been playing their role for many years.

This will trigger many people, however, if you take the time to look at the connection with the Kennendys and their relationship with JFK Junior. They were very very close.

A great video at the end of Mario Cuomo, once you watch that, you will know the truth.

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