Question Affirmation Rant #5 |Food & Eating

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What food does my body thrive with?
Can I let go of all judgments I’ve placed on food?
How might I see food as my friend and ally?
Is it possible to have a high-functioning relationship with food?
What is the truth my body is asking for concerning food?
What would I be capable of creating if my body had the right food?
How might eating the best foods for my body be enjoyable?
What amazing possibilities can I tap into as I eat the right foods?
What wisdom does food contain, and how might I receive its wisdom?
What would it take for me to access clean food that is also full of nutrition?
Is it possible for me to crave the food that would bless my body the most?
What would it take for me to effortlessly eat at the times that my body truly desires to eat?
What is food like beyond all my stories of it?
What is it like to be in alignment with my perfect eating style?
How might I know and embrace what my style is?
What possibilities are available as I free myself from my limitations with food?
What food is calling me that if I ate, it would drastically change my world?
How might I have easy access to the food my body requires to be healthy and strong?
How present can I be with my food today?
How does my presence change the quality of the food I eat?
What does it feel like to have my body receive the nutrition it truly desires?
What is the best question I can ask that will assist me the most with food?
Am I truly meant to fast, and if so, what does the most perfect form of fasting for my body look like? If not, how can I let go of the pressure I or others might put on me to fast?
What is my authentic, healthy flow with food?
How early could I let go of everyone else’s beliefs and ideas of what food is good for me and step fully into eating the way my body wants to?
What if healthy food for my body could also taste amazing?
How might those recipes or foods find me?
What magic is possible for me when I end the war I have had with food?
What does it look like to live in peace with food and eating?
What if food and I were both free of the control placed upon us by myself and others?

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