INTROSPECTION - if you have issues with self-sabotage . . . | investing energy in one's own downfall

1 year ago

Self-sabotage is something one comes here with from previous life times, and, karmically speaking, one seeks such parents. So, there is enough of it in one's structure, yet the point is: will one be stronk enough to break the cycle?

What is the cycle? Well, what a sick society is teaching you. To invest your own energy in your misery. Well:

1. your misery is mostly acquired from others who act as if it's your business as well to suffer like them. A business is something you invest in (even energetically, since it's a currency as well) and get something useful for you out of. So it's not your BUSINESS :) It is a sick society's business to do that, because it gains money from your suffering and separation ;)

2. You sleep some 8 hours a day to have the necessary energy to go through it. So why invest it further in your downfall by focusing on others' illness? Remember, the ill will always say that you are the one :3

3. Why not take a look back in time and see where you were once and where you are now? Surely a lot changed, so take your time, your self-sabotage will make it look as if you're still at the same level just because a SMALL thing you want isn't there yet :3 Eh? Been there myself as well! ^^ If you haven't changed a bit for a long time, it's a good time to start though! ^^

Huggies, take care, enjoy the content, feel free to view other content on this channel as well, wishing you an awesome day, at least as awesome as you are, stay awesome and live (b)right!

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