What is our Identity in Messiah Yahshua aka Yeshua? Christian? Messianic? Israelite? Gentile? Roman?

1 year ago

( Ephesians 2:19 ) ~ So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Elohim. ( Galatians 3:29 ) ~ And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. ( Ephesians 2:11-13 ) ~ Therefore remember that you, at one time nations ( gentiles ) in the flesh, who are called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what is called ‘the circumcision’ made in the flesh by hands, that at that time you were without Messiah, excluded (aliens) from the citizenship of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without Elohim in the world. But now in Messiah Yahshua, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. ( Ephesians 2:19 ) ~ So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones and members of the household of Elohim. ( Romans 11:16-17 ) ~ Now if the first-fruit is set-apart, the lump is also. And if the root is set-apart, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, have been grafted in among them, and now share in the root and fatness of the olive tree,

Straitway Life Bible Commentary From a Hebrew Roots Perspective For 03/25/2023. Who are you in Messiah Yahshua? What is your identity in Messiah ( aka Jesus Christ )? If somebody asks you what faith or religion you belong to, what do you tell them? Do you tell them you're a Christian? Is replacement theology biblical? Did the Christian church replace Israel? Is the church Israel? Is the Assembly of Yahweh Israelite in nature? Is it Messianic? Who are we? Who is the old and new covenant made with? According to Apostle Paul, what are the gentiles grafted into? What family are believers in Yahshua ( aka Yeshua ) adopted into? Are there two tracks for salvation? One for the the Jews and another for the gentiles? ( Recorded From Phoenix, Arizona )

Welcome one and all, friends, and saints of the Most High YAH. We greet you in the mighty and precious name of Yahshua the Messiah ( aka Yeshua / Jesus Christ ). We are a part of Believing Yisrael ( The Israel of God ) teaching the pure and unadulterated word of Almighty Yahweh ( YHWH ) from both the Hebrew and New Testament scriptures. We do pursue using the proper and sacred Hebrew names of both our Father in heaven and His only begotten Son. Psalm 68:4 (NKJV) reads: "Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him". By keeping His Torah as the Holy Spirit leads ( honoring His commands ) and imitating the living Torah ( Messiah Yahshua ), we show our love for our great Elohim. Yahweh's grace given to us through our savior and redeemer Yahshua ( aka Yeshua ) does not give us license to continue practicing sin ( the breaking of His laws ). 1 John 2:3-4 reads: "And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that says I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him". HalleluYAH

Follow and subscribe to Straitway Life ( A Hebrew Roots Israelite Assembly of Yahweh in Yahshua ) on these social media platforms: If you like, think of us as being part of the original Christian faith of the first century that Messiah Yahshua ( Christ ) established. However, we prefer to be called Believing Yisra'el ( Israelites ) or biblical Messianic believers as we endeavor to return to the 1st century model of worship laid out for us by Messiah and His apostles. Our ministry most closely aligns with Yahweh's Restoration Ministry and Eliyah.com ( both based out of Missouri ) while at the same time we are unique in many ways and emphasize certain biblical matters that seem to be overlooked in modern worship within the Hebrew Roots community.

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We use a variety of bible translations and bible aids to help us better understand and discover the original intent of the author, the context of a bible passage, and the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. We embrace the weekly seventh day Sabbath ( Shabbat ) and the seven annual holy days of Yahweh God, adhere to the dietary food laws, and guard the Torah seeking to understand and apply it more fully in light of what has been revealed through Yahshua ( aka Jesus ) and the apostles in New Testament scripture.

#Hebrewroots #Messianic #Torah #Christian #Jesus #Christ #Church #SacredName #Yahweh #Yahshua #Yeshua #Bible #Sabbath #sabbathservice #SabbathChurch #Shabbat #Israel #torahportion #AssemblyofYahweh #AssemblyofYahshua #sabbathchurch #worship #spiritual #gospel #salvation #Yisrael #HebrewIsraelite #eliyah #yahwehsrestorationministry #replacementtheology

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