Align your Vibes

2 years ago

The vibration we hold is what's most important. What are you aligning to? How to re-align your vibes and let vibes be your guide.

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Services: Akashic Record Readings for individuals, relationships, events and businesses. Spiritual Coaching and Mentoring.
Soul Realignment (tm), Soul Matrix readings, Spirit Guide Readings, Life Situation Readings, Psychic readings, Sacred Money Archetypes Coaching, Manifesting Profile Readings, Reiki healing, Spiritual workshops and training.

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times, an evolution of life on earth. So many of us are struggling with the changes in our society, questions about our health & politics, curious about ascention - what does this mean?? And most of all we all want to know how to live our best life right now!!
These are some but not all the questions I ask and seek answers for. I truly believe we are living in the most amazing time in known history, we are emerging into a new world and it is up to us to decide what that world will be.
My goal is for myself and everyone I know and everyone I can possibly help, all of us to create a world where we all unlock the super powers that are dormant in our bodies, embrace our soul purpose and live in balanced harmony with our earth. I also don't believe we need to de-populize or abandon all technology - we just need to get rid of the greed, war mongoring leaders! All the answers to all our human and earthly problems have viable solutions already proven, we just need to embrace them. If we put even half the resources that have been used in the past 3 years for the 'C' campaign we could transform our entire society in less than a year!
Our imaginations have been highjacked, our will and strength has been beaten and we are enslaved as battaries creating a world none of us actually want.
My goal is to help as many as possible to "Bridge the Gap between knowing oneself as a Spiritual Being and Living an Human experience." Show up in your life as the Divine Soul you are. You are a divine creator and every moment of your life; every action or no action that you do is creating your human experience. Learn to connect with that divinity within you that is capable of so much! Let go the fears and darkness that controls you deep within, let go the emotional turmoil and frustrations that prevent you from living a loving, abundant life. Learn the techniques and skills that unlock your sacred codes, the ancient ones that have been hidden and lost in history.

We are living through evolutionary times, our world is rapidly changing and the time is here for us to make a choice - will you embrace your miraculous human abilities and rise to a higher consciousness of spiritual fulfillment or ..... remain locked in the struggles of power plays and control mechanisms?

Humanity is going through an awakening of consciousness that will allow us to reshape our world into a thriving civilization and connect with a galactic community.

Most of us are aware of the chaos created by the accerleration of techynology and global economies, the need to harness and direct the path forward as a united planet. Many of us have awakened to the awareness that we are going through an evolution. Those of us who are awake are asking "what do I do?".

Even though this is a planetary evolution and we are all going through this together, it is up to each individual to do their part by taking responsibility for their own contribution to the world. The first and most important question, the question we should all be asking and referencing back to on every step of this journey is "What vibration am I?"

When we align our soul energy to our human form we unlock miracles. Embrace soul purpose, discover your soul story and live a life driven by your soul design. Human experience is meant to be rich with variety, it is a playground for your soul self to express itself. We have free will to make choices inspired by soul or driven by necessity of survival.

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