Vaccine Nanocapsules for Controlled Release of the PAYLOAD. Presentation

1 year ago

Vaccine Nanocapsules for Controlled Release of the PAYLOAD
Nanocapsules are widely utilized in various industries from electronics to drug delivery systems. This video shows the process through which Polymer Nanocapsules are made and how they can encapsulate drugs or toxins. If the "vaccine" does contain Venom, as suggested by some doctors, is this how the PAYLOAD is encapsulated and kept safe from release within the body until its required?
There are Nanocapsules which are designed to release there cargo when an electromagnetic field is applied. Additionally, Nanocapsules are generally prone to buckling caused by changes in acidity or osmolarity, as well as chemical exposure, temperature, radiation, electromagnetic field, shearing, vibrations, or mechanical forces all can cause early PAYLOAD release. Such activation is based on the principle that its thin walls render them sensitive to bending and rupture under compressive stress.
This may explain why many vaccinated people appear to be healthy, while others get sick and die quickly.
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