Alien Abduction Encounters w/ Greys, Mantids & Paranormal - Contactee Don Anderson & TSP

1 year ago

Don Anderson was born in Glendale, California in 1959, but very early in life moved to a rural farming community in Utah where his mother and younger brother lived for a good part of his life after his father passed away. He always believed the homes they lived in were haunted, only to discover they were not a result of spirit hauntings, but numerous abduction and contact experiences, which only increased in frequency and intensity as he grew older.

Then one night, in the summer of 1984, as a single parent himself to a young boy, they both were taken from their room and carried through a beam onto a craft, which was floating in the air across the street from their home. When he was placed back in his bed after the event, he immediately had an instant recall of a lifetime of past contact experiences, which included watching himself being escorted into the delivery room where he was being born...with a grey being who was reminding him to “not forget” who he was.

The experiences continued throughout his life on a shamanic level, as well as being a contactee with remembered experiences. These experiences include times where he was told ..not to talk about the subject of alien contact.. followed up by a military abduction experience, and a real time contact experience involving a race of beings referred to as the Preying Mantis, with three others, in the high country of Utah not too far from the Skinwalker ranch.

As a public speaker he has spoken to audiences throughout the western states of Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Washington about his experiences and the impact they have had on his life as well as the area 51 conference which was held in Rachel, Nevada at the time. Also recent interviews with authors and researchers Grant Cameron and Preston Dennett as well as recent shoots with the Discovery channel. He initially formed the Oregon UFO Encounters group to help contactees and abductees with a platform to speak from.

The author of ‘The Wanderers: A Souls Journey’ and ...Path of the Shaballa blogsite.. he currently resides in the Portland, Oregon area and works in the public sector as well as performing energetic removals and curse work influence.

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