“They Never Thought She Would Lose”

1 year ago

“They Never Thought She Would Lose”♟️
Now They All Lose | He Has Everything.

“I’m the only one who could have done it because I was one of them. I am the chosen one. You know what I did? I did you a big favor, I caught the swamp. Caught Em all, Let’s see what happens”

Even though I know it’s been said before and some just don’t get it but really think about the amazing life this man gave up just to be persecuted and attacked so savagely every single day since.

I think it’s crazy to believe there’s not a plan in play and it’s just ego making him endure the constant onslaught.

You’re smarter than that
Think Logically Frens

I think it’s funny people actually think they didn’t cheat like hell in 2016 too. They were ready & have it all.

“It Had To Be This Way” Frens

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