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The Death of Accountability

1 year ago

For years now -- but especially since the end of 2020 -- government officials are being legally called to Congress to testify in front of oversight panels... where they either lie with impunity, dissemble with impunity, or both. They stonewall yes-or-no questions, UNDER OATH, and get away with it because none of it gets punished. It makes Bill and Zo angry, and I'll bet it makes you angry too.

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  • 0/2000
  • Bail outs and stimulus checks, unfettered access to the accumulated wealth of a nation, a lack of personal responsibility is just a symptom of a much larger problem… left unaddressed will see the crash of the greatest country on earth and reduce it to dust

  • YES! YES!!!! These people need to be held in contempt and charged with perjury!!!

  • You guys are wrong. Public officials ARE held accountable for their actions! Case in point- DJT was impeached twice for what was it again? Ok, lets skip over the reasons, I'm sure they were valid. Also don't forget when DJT had his house raided for those documents he was allowed to have... wait... Well, then there was also that public officials that was removed from all social media platforms as punishment for his radical views. (I forget who that was). You also are forgetting that public official that is currently being investigated (publicly it seems) for misappropriating funds for an encounter that (hasn't proved to have) happened a few years back. I don't remember their name, but it's recent. With all these unique examples, how can you say they aren't held accountable?

  • It's not just a lack of accountability, it's also lack of competency. As long as you are woke enough you can be anything you want, a different gender, the head of a company, a supreme court justice The consequences will bring down the society.

  • We share your concern about the destruction of our legal system and the two tiered criminal justice in America. It will only get better after it gets much worse and people stand against this nightmare.

  • yep I'm fed up too bill... lots of us are.

  • Accountability still exists......if you're on the right.

  • Perjury or lying to Congress can be punished by up to five years in prison... https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/what-are-the-penalties-for-lying-to-congress/

  • Control = power. If you control the media, the security agencies, big tech, the judicial process, and the entertainment industry, you can do anything you want and get away with it.

  • I was just about to query as to when the next Virtue Signal was coming.

  • scooter!

  • This is why Peter Strzok gave that evil look with his head down. He knew that nothing was going to happen to him, and that nasty glare was a look of "YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME."

  • More and more the Justice system has turned into a type of warfare ( lawfare ) used to shut down your political enemies and keep their allies in line.

  • I would love to see some of these 'aristocrat' progressives actually be held to account. However, both of the countries that inhabit this continent, have been crushed under their takeover of the alphabet media. They love to trot out all of the slurs they can find to make us, anyone not towing the line, stay on the defense. How do you repulse so much negativity? I don't know. I have pretty much given up on our system in the not so great white North. I do try. Maybe that is the key? Never give up. Sooner or later they will have their comeuppance.

  • Bill, we are NOT a nation of LAWS and we never HAVE BEEN…we are a nation of POLITICAL WILL and we always WILL BE! The ONLY time the Overton Window moves in EITHER direction is when the people scream loudly enough to make it happen. There are several reasons why you don’t see Republicans hold these Democrats in contempt of Congress and NONE of them are good (skeletons in their own closets, the media is their press secretary, etc.) All it would take is JUST ONE person with INTEGRITY to break this dam and finally scare the crap out of the Deep State.

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