2023-03-22, GESARA Show 106 - Wednesday

1 year ago

March 22, 2023, The GESARA Show 106 - Wednesday
Duration: 2:08:37

Host: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gillies (St. Louis, USA).

This is the 106th, First Anniversary episode of the GESARA Show where Peter and Billy inform you on the latest intel on GESARA and Common Law where members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions on a wide range of topics.

Today is Mirror day: March 22 = 322, 2023 without the zero = 223. That creates the mirror date: 322:223

We start with "Man in the Mirror" with Michael Jackson. Discuss current affairs and how world events are pointing towards the global reset. We also have another "Titanic" discussion before the news and Q&A.

0:00:00 Music: Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror
0:04:55 Part 1: Latest Intel and current affairs. Mirror Day, "322:223"
0:06:12 - Trump Arrest Update
0:09:35 - Derek in the cold…
0:13:40 - Getting bumpy…
0:14:50 - Situation in France
0:19:30 - Welcome Rose from Austria.
0:21:13 - Ramadan, etc.
0:22:26 - More on Titanic story
0:41:39 Part 2: GESARA News
1:09:25 Part 3: Q&A
2:08:37 End.

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