Custom AR - 2023 Cabin Fever Challenge - Division 2 Unlimited

1 year ago

My second entry for the 2023 Cabin Fever Challenge. This is the entry for Division 2 - Unlimited. No headcam on this one, I was pressed for time. I was planning to try and duke it out against C&R Collectors awesome run, but it just wasn't in the cards this year. Oh well!

The rifle:
A custom (by me) NYS-legal AR-15. Palmetto State Armory Multical BLEM lower, Aero Precision upper, Criterion 20" Hybrid Contour Barrel (223Wylde), rifle length gas system, low-profile adjustable gas block, GI bolt/carrier/buffer group, Wilson Combat Teflon trigger & hammer group, Sharps Bros. Ultralight forend, generic paddle rear grip and fixed modular buttstock. Glass is the Monstrum S330P from one of my unboxing videos!

The run:
Seems pretty smooth apart from a light primer strike on the second mag. Time to upgrade some spings! My transitions could use work here, but I am fighting Sciatica during this run.

Ammo: Federal M855 5.56x45mm

Target Distance: 100.02 Meters
HITS: 15
TIME: 67s.
*Note: The 15th hit keyholed between two others at the 1:00 position B-zone.

Links to CFC 2023
Facebook: @cabinfeverchallenge
RifleChair's Video:

• 2023 CABIN FEVER ...
Cabin Fever Website:
Cabin Fever Rules:

8" target:
4" target:

CFC2022 DistracTeach Playlist:

• CFC 2022

Division Leaders:
D1 - @distracteach
D2 - @OreGear
D3 - @CRCollector
D4 - @MrTudenom
D5 - @3DVIDEOSMurray
D6 - @2A4FIN

Find me on facebook: @distracteach ​

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