The squeaky wheel gets the grease (The persistent widow Luke 18:1-8)

1 year ago

The squeaky wheel gets the grease (The persistent widow Luke 18:1-8)
I work in the purchasing world of the mining industry, so I am approached multiple times daily with individuals who let me know what they want and need. My job entails me controlling the cost of the mine so I must make sure that needs are prioritized over the wants. When someone comes and asks me for something, and I tell them no I have a way of telling if what they asked me for was a want or a need. If I never hear from them again then I know what they asked for was not a necessity but if they come in everyday asking for the item, I realize the importance of it to them. The adage becomes a reality, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” The frequency I see and hear them ask me for the same thing lets me know how serious of an issue it is for that individual, so I act accordingly. In the parable of the persistent widow, we see that Jesus is trying to let the crowd know the same thing I have discovered in the purchasing world, persistent requisitioning pays off. The widow did not receive what she wanted because she deserved it or because of legal precedent, she received it because she never gave up and kept taking her case before the judge.
Many times, in my life I have seen people become bitter and angry because some received something that they thought they deserved. When you begin to delve into what happen and ask questions like, “Did you ask for it?” They simply say, “I should not have had to ask for it, they knew I deserved it.” They are angry at someone else because they had the audacity to apply for the job, ask for the raise, solicit the sale, or even request the donation. James 4:2 tells us that many times we do not have what we want simply because we have neglect to ask God for it. If we ask God in faith with the right motives, then He will not withhold things from His children. The frequency and urgency of our requests before God tend to move Him on our behalf but unrequested prayers never get answered and seldom prayed prayer show they are not that important to us so why should they be to God. God knows what we need and desire before we even ask it, yet His Kingdom is designed to only move on the things that are requested from His citizens. John Wesley once said that “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” If we can grasp this and apply it to our daily prayer life, then God would daily remove mountains that stand before us in this life.

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