Xi and Putin RALLYING the WORLD

1 year ago

President #Xi of #China and president #Putin of #Russia met this past week to discuss their plans for cooperation and leading the #world majority into a new just economic system, leaving behind the #U.S. and #NATO’s speculative financial bubble in the dust. China’s recent negotiation of diplomatic normalization between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and ambition to negotiate peace in Ukraine are just the beginning of the program of Peace through Development. In this first episode of the news show #World Citizen, #Kynan Thistlethwaite of the #LaRouche Youth Movement presents how this is happening, what this will mean for the future, and how the U.S. and its allies may abandon its present self-destructive path and join this new system.
Kynan Thistlethwaith is an organizer and member of the LaRouche Youth Movement
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