Question Affirmation Rant #2 |Self Love

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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To Buy Marinna's Money Relationship Question Magic Card Deck:

What does it mean to actually love myself?
Could loving myself be easy and fun?
What does being present with myself and my emotions look like?
What kind of presence can I give myself that would help me feel seen by myself?
How might I honor myself in greater and greater degrees?
What kind of self-love fills my bucket in the best ways possible?
What does it take to truly deeply and consistently give myself the love I think I want from others?
What kindness can I give myself right now?
What compassion can I give myself right now?
Where have I held myself on a hook that, if I let myself off, would change everything?
What space can I give myself that would allow for the greatest healing of trauma?
What expansion with love can I have today?
Where have I withheld love from myself that I can actually give it instead?
Where have I withheld love from my life that I can actually give it instead?
What kind of harmony can I have with myself?
What is my inner child in need of? How might I give that lovingly and presence fully?
What if my love looks different than I think it should?
What does my flavor love self-love look like?
Can I be loving and honest with myself?
What kind of magic does love possess, and how might I fully appreciate its magical capacity?
What kind of goodies is my love ready to call into my life?
What walls within myself can crumble right now that would free up my love for myself?
What if I am a gift to myself? Am I ready to unwrap me?
What if I am the best thing that has ever happened to me?
How magical am I truly?
How might I see, know and embrace the full truth about self-love and not just some of it?
What if I am more than I ever knew?
What will it take for me to let my love free?
What if, as I love myself, my bucket fills up and overflows easily onto everyone around me?
What question could I ask that would support me in the greatest possible way?
What if I am truly worth my own self-love and acceptance?

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