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24 03 23 SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths, Scottish Heritage Party

1 year ago

On the show this week presented by David P Griffiths is Andrew Bridgen MP in the House of Commons and Richard Vobes.

We look at the following issues:
​1) The approach of Scotland, Britain, Uganda and Russia towards homosexuality and the promotion of this minority practice. David concludes with his view on how a Scottish Heritage Party government should deal with this issue.

2) The saving of the unborn child, it being government's first duty under God to protects its people and this includes the unborn child.

​3) The Vaccine Rollout and the enormous cost to human life with Andrew Bridgen MP and a summary by Richard Vobes.

​4) The Papers.

​The reality is, is that Scotland is in a mess after eight year of Sturgeon rule, eight years that threatened government guardians on our precious children, children in wombs forcibly removed against their wills, enforced lockdowns and biased one view only vaccine rollouts - surely it is time for a real nationalist Party, a Party nationalist in the context of the whole UK!

How can we trust the government system in Scotland so connected to the global order, a system that cries out for apparent independence but wants to put us under the charge of un-elected officials. Well. the Scottish Heritage Party is saying "no" and invites you to join us to save our nation, all the lives of our nation protecting everyone from conception to the grave!

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415. E Mail: scotsheritage4219@gmail.com

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • You still believe it was the gender bill that brought nicola knife in the back sturgeon down. Your wrong. Look closerat the financing in sp, look again at her betrayel of alex, her colusion with westminster in setting up alex, n running telling tales so she could have his job, based on her cries of devolution, every now n again. When scotts got fed up of her bull shit, she called devolution n every scott loved her again, till the shine wore off the fact she couldnt deliver devolution never crossed your mind. But look again at rbs n scottish widows manipulating the vote. Then look to see wo was a key note speaker at paris cop 21. Yea nicola the flip flop, all for jocks, all for un, all for westminster, all for nicola. She nearly got caught out. Watch to see who financed various activities, were did the money go for the ferry deal, why was mac given the contract, who benefitted, why was nicola husband loaning the snp money, or so we are to believe. Watch the flip flip. Theres more to the sturgeon n the ports, the ferry contracts, the inabilty to deliver devolution. But you fell for it.

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