Regional Freezing-Out of Syria Ends in Style - UK Column News - 24th March 2023

1 year ago

- Assad visits United Arab Emirates; significance downplayed by Western media
- Fighter jets escorted the Syrian delegation into UAE airspace
- Assad in UAE, gets president’s nod for return to Arab fold
- Video clip: UAE says Syria and UAE are bulding bridges
- Saudi Arabia and Syria agree to reopen embassies
- Israeli jets bomb Syria’s main hub for earthquake aid deliveries
- UAE orders envoy to Israel not to meet with government officials
- Jordanian FM calls on international community to oppose hate speech against Palestinians
- The Cradle: Jordan’s Parliament Votes to Expel Israeli Ambassador
- PM Netanyahu's Son Likens Protesters to Paramilitary Wing of the Nazi Party
- U.S. Conducts Airstrikes in Syria in Response to Deadly UAV Attack 
- Statement from US CENTCOM Commander on strikes
- Syria and China to boost bilateral relations in different domains
- The Five Seas initiative connects the Mediterranean, Red, Persian, Caspian, and Black Seas

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