Bleak Footage From Ukraine - UK Column News - 24th March 2023

1 year ago

- TASS: Ukraine deployed over 80,000 servicemen around Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), says Wagner Group founder 
- Image sent by viewer of possibly Polish self-propelled tank on the Slovak-Ukrainian border
- Mike Robinson asks: “What is the Ukrainian soldiers' mood?”
- Video clip: Tense Zelensky hands out awards to grim troops on Ukraine front line
- Patrick Henningsen notices lack of eye contact and many women on the front line
- Video clip: Ukrainian troops refusing to mobilise. They do not trust their commanders
- Patrick Henningsen Twitter: @21WIRE 
“When NATO’s Ukrainian meat grinder runs out of men, Washington is preparing #Poland as their next round of fodder. Poland is now amassing an army of 300,000 & intends to fight Russia in 2024 in the event of the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine….”
- 21st Century Wire: Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine?
- Sonja Van Den Ende: @SonjaEnde
“The Western world is out of control and it doesn't seem to realize the danger they pose to themselves and of course Russia. It's pure criminal: To use depleted uranium, but that's what they did in Iraq, they have to be on trial, all Western leaders!”
- In 2015 the United States used depleted uranium in Syria

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