Pulling Back the Curtain on Iran | Ray Takeyh

3 years ago

Hold These Truths | Episode 2

Ray Takeyh is Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow for Middle East studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). His areas of specialization are Iran, political reform in the Middle East, and Islamist movements and parties. We examined the truth behind the November uprising, how the regime suppresses the will of the Iranian people, how the strike on Soleimani will help restore our deterrence posture and the numerous flaws with the JCPOA nuclear deal.

This episode premiered on February 9, 2020.

Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hold-these-truths-with-dan-crenshaw/id1498149200?i=1000465216042

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/02G0UtwsyIEJ0DYCcUiWEX?si=6SQXfBSaRCqN7aHrcuYzCA

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