Dan Crenshaw: "Another Miracle"

3 years ago

A lot of people who follow me think I’ve always had one “good eye.” But that’s not true. In my book Fortitude I relay the story of how I had to lay face down for 6 weeks so a hole in my retina would heal. I really didn’t think I’d be reliving that 9 years later, but sometimes life throws you a curveball. I don’t feel any self-pity. Long ago I made peace with the idea that I might go blind someday. I raised my hand and asked to go to war, I knew the risks. Lucky for me, God has given me the gift of sight once again, and my retina looks to be on track to make a good recovery. Whether it’s a “full” recovery remains to be seen, but at least I’m not blind. Will be back with y’all soon!

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