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omg the MAGA Walk

1 year ago

Once upon a time, in a small town called Trumpsville, there was a group of passionate MAGA supporters who decided to organize a "MAGA Walk to Trump" event. They were so excited about it that they spent weeks planning and promoting it on social media.

On the day of the event, the MAGA supporters gathered at the town square, all wearing their bright red MAGA hats and holding up their "Make America Great Again" signs. They were chanting "USA! USA! USA!" and singing "God Bless America."

As they started to march towards Trump's house, they realized that they had forgotten one crucial detail: they had no idea where he lived! They had assumed that everyone in the town knew where Trump's house was, but it turned out that nobody did.

So, they began to wander around the town, stopping people on the street to ask if they knew where Trump's house was. Some people looked at them like they were crazy, while others laughed and shook their heads.

As they continued their search, they stumbled upon a house with a huge sign in the front yard that said "I Hate Trump!" The MAGA supporters were outraged and started shouting insults at the house.

Suddenly, a man came out of the house and asked them what was going on. They explained that they were trying to find Trump's house for their MAGA Walk, and the man burst out laughing.

"You guys are hilarious," he said. "Trump doesn't even live in this town! He lives in Florida!"

The MAGA supporters were shocked and embarrassed. They had spent all this time organizing an event for a person who didn't even live in their town! They sheepishly made their way back to the town square, where they all dispersed, feeling a bit foolish.

The lesson they learned that day was to always do their research before organizing a rally or march. And maybe, just maybe, they should broaden their horizons beyond their small town in their quest to make America great again.
#maga #trump #trumpnews


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