Karate | Okinawan Goju-ryu | Fukyu renzoku yakusoku kumite

1 year ago

In this video you can see the Fukyu kata yakusoku renzoku kumite performed with some basic techniques.The drill can vary in stances, postures and techniques. In this clip you will see techniques of jodan age uke, chudan and gedan barai uke in response to oi tsuki in heiko and shiko dachi stances.

Like the kakomi kumite drill (five persons drill) the yakusoku (prearranged) renzoku (continuous) kumite (physical confrontation) drill as seen in the clip is related to the Fukyu kata incorporated by grandmaster Meitoku Yagi into his Meibukan Goju-ryu system. Within the school of Martial Mindfulness these training tools are used for beginners and intermediate practitioners.

Although when learning the drill you start to perform a series of techniques, postures and stances sequentially and fixed, while at a later stage the attention and performance shifts towards an interrupted cadence to have contact with the present moment. Observing each others intentions and decide and act upon it while the pattern (embusen) shifts away to the background. This in preparation towards more free exercises and natural way of moving (as in a free fight) but also creating a mental foundation towards shifting attentions.

More information on the Fukyu kata and related kumite can be found in the book 'Karate Goju Ryu Meibukan' ISBN 978-1-933901-29-9 at https://www.amazon.com/Karate-Goju-Ryu-Meibukan-Opdam/dp/1933901292/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=meibukan&qid=1626073135&sr=8-3

Performers: Students of Lex Opdam
Origins of the shown form: Okinawa-te, Okinawan Goju-ryu karate: Meibukan
Lineage of the performers: (Okinawan Goju-ryu karate: Meibukan and MMF)

Video was taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2016.

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