Crysis Tips, Tricks and Review

1 year ago
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Tips, Tricks and Review for Crysis


Good graphics
Intense moments
Solid gameplay
Freedom on how to tackle mission
Unpredictable moments


Random deaths because of glitches.
Stepping on an object may kill you
AI are sometimes are brain dead


Use Tactical attachment to easily beat nano suit enemies.

Use vehicle weapon to easy dispatch Nano suit enemies at the graveyard and as a plus side mounted weapon has infinite bullets.

FY71 is the best gun in the game in terms of flexibility. Plus it has infinite tranquilizer dart.

The grenade launcher of FY71 can destroy helicopters.

Due to distance FY71 may not be effective but tranquilizer is still viable. Rather that kill the enemy just disable the enemy
Even in passive state speed mode still increase movement speed a bit.

When using a rocket launcher you can guide the rocket by pointing the laser at the target.

Use the map to remember weapon placement. Carrying weapon in Crysis is limited but if you know the placement you can return to get the weapons needed
Increase damage

Use strength mode to increase damage.

Remove suppressor

Use Incendiary bullets


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