Dr. Michelle Cretella Details Issues Affecting Families When Bombarded With Sexual Imagery

1 year ago

Pastor David Aucoin from the Rhode Island Family Institute hosted a forum where Dr. Michelle Cretella was a featured speaker.

Dr. Cretella led off the forum with a presentation slides accompanied by an in depth narrative that addresses several reasons for the decline of family values.

Young minds are accessing porn on mobile devices and consider what they view as ‘sex ed’ often demeaning women and healthy relationships.

She points out that porn on mobile devices can make it accidental, accessible, affordable, anonymous and additionally, it can become addictive.

Porn mixes fantasy in a young mind and distorts the expectation in real life.

Dr. Cretella gives examples of literature available to teach parents how to be authoritative parent and limit or remove images and information their children can read and view.

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