The Truth About The Moon Landing

1 year ago

In 2020, Wikileaks downloaded NASA’s entire database.  Included in that massive treasure trove of hard evidence of US Government criminality and corruption was a series of clips of the faked moon landing that NASA has denied for decades. The upshot of this stunning video evidence, that proves once and for all the transparent moon landing hoax, is that it casts a dark shadow on the entire Apollo Space Program—a program that would have cost nearly $300 billion in 2019.  Only by watching the entire video-documentary above can anyone comprehend the sheer depth and breadth of this unparalleled hoax and deception.

This irrefutable exposé is supported with a number of high integrity videos and articles which contain hard scientific evidence that prove ALL the manned Moon landings were faked. The rocket scientists, engineers and other experts provide authoritative testimony and evidence that is as unimpeachable as their credentials are. Hence, after reading and viewing the motherlode of indisputable proof of multiple faked Moon landings there are two primary questions that remain: Who was behind this “greatest conspiratorial fraud” in U.S. history; and exactly why did they do it? The definitive answer to both of these crucial questions is presented below.

Let’s be very clear: it was technically and practically impossible for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to put a man on the Moon in 1969. The extremely advanced technology necessary to accomplish such a daunting feat was simply not available in America in 1969.

Bear in mind that it was only during the 1950s that black and white televisions were in use, and that it wasn’t until the mid-1960s that color broadcasting was introduced in the US.

The highly advanced science and technology required to put a man on the Moon with lunar rovers in tow was simply not developed enough at that time. CASE CLOSED!

What was highly developed was NASA’s intention to recklessly deceive the American people along with the world community of nations. The U.S. Federal Government was obsessively determined to be known for putting the first man on the Moon, even if it meant shamelessly faking the whole event, which they did.

Watch as one man admits to a little girl that they never went to the moon while Neil Armstrong refuses 5,000 dollars cash and will not swear on the Bible that he went to the moon.

Of the six things God hates, He mentions only one twice: LIES.

There are six things that the Lord hates,
Seven that are an abomination to Him:

Haughty eyes
a lying tongue (1)
And hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plans
Feet that run rapidly to evil
A false witness who declares lies (2)
And one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-1

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