Dr Vernon Coleman - Nuclear War is Coming (23rd March 2023)

1 year ago

Source: https://vernoncoleman.org/videos/nuclear-war-coming It’s March 23rd 2023and this is video 325.

For a long time I’ve hoped that each video I make will be the last. I have other things I want to do. All I get out of these damned videos is abuse and bans and death threats. I’ve never monetised them, I’ve never allowed ads and I’ve always allowed anyone and everyone to make copies.

In my three years of making videos I haven’t told you anything that wasn’t true. I’ve made no predictions that didn’t come true. Crooked fact checkers have constantly tried and failed to find errors – though lots of them have lied trying. I warned about compulsory vaccinations and a cashless society in February, March 2020. I warned about the fake pandemic, food shortages, DNA thefts and so on. I warned, before they started giving it, how the covid jab would kill people. I warned about inflation and interest rate rises in 2020 and repeated the warning in August 2022.

All the scripts of all the videos are available free on www.vernoncoleman.com.

On May 3rd 2022 I made a video entitled Why they need world war III and in a video dated February 9th 2022 I pointed out that World War III had started and explained how the Americans had destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline. Biden boasted that he’d do that. And, as planned, blowing up the pipeline forced a freezing Europe into the war with greater enthusiasm. It also meant that Europe had to buy American gas. The lunatic conspirators claim the pipeline was destroyed by unknown saboteurs – probably two teenage boys in a rowing boat whose fishing tackle got caught in the pipeline and damaged it.

Recent I’ve published many revelations about the war on www.vernoncoleman.com and www.vernoncoleman.org

It has now become clear that Western leaders who are running this war through NATO are desperate for it to go nuclear. And I wouldn’t bet against these evil, insane people getting what they want.


Well, don’t forget that the plan for the Great Reset includes a depopulation plan. The conspirators, the insane globalists behind the climate fraud, the fake pandemic, the rebranded flu, the covid jab (now better known as the world’s most toxic pharmaceutical product) boasted that they want to reduce the world’s population from around 8 billion down to 500 million. Not even the toxic, experimental covid jab is killing people fast enough for them – though that has been useful to them. In murdering thousands of the elderly they’ve saved billions on pension fees. They boasted about that.

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