Prune & Train Young Climbing Roses

1 year ago

Establishing a young climbing rose can be a bit intimidating. I generally recommend a light touch for the first couple of years, allowing the new climber to put on some vigorous growth, then reining it in with some well-planned thinning and training. Here I tackle 3 young roses: 'Eden' with thick, stiff canes, 'A Shropshire Lad' an Austin rose with medium firm canes, and 'Strawberry Hill' another Austin which so far has sent thin pliable canes.

There's obvious not just one single way to approach this training, and even as I watch the footage in review I'm like "maybe I should have put more of a bend into that" or "I could have thinned a bit more on that one". That's okay - it's really a pretty forgiving process, and you really don't want to be paralyzed by trying to get it exactly right. That said, if anyone else want to chime in with their own suggestions, I'm quite receptive to hear your approach.

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