Dystopian Tower Upgrade

1 year ago

In this Emerging Global Realities video, we visit a cellular tower site in Tuscany, Calgary West, Alberta, Canada. Around 2 years ago we visited this site and measured approximately 4.5 V/m peak signal and 6,000 uW/m2 power output. The measurements were conducted in a children's playground around 200 meters from the tower.

Today at the same site, we measured 6,0 V/m peak signal (meter maxed out) and over 63,000 uW/m2 power output. These measurements are consistent with the increased frequency and power output of the new deployments. In 2024, the 5G millimeter wave will be released in the public domain with frequencies between 24 to 300 GHz.

The safe levels are below 0.50 V/m peak signal and 1000 uW/m2 power output (BioInitiative and Building Biology).

EMF radiation exposure and biological effects:


Children are highly vulnerable to extreme EMF radiation exposure. In California, a cellular tower was deployed at an elementary school, and 5 children ended up getting brain cancer, before parents forced the tower to redeployed away from the school.

EMF radiation exposure impacts on children:


Unfortunately, the EMF radiation standards reflect the corruption of Western establishment governments, whereby the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (aka Great Reset) takes precedence over public health and well-being. Too much profit and control at stake. People have become collateral damage, and in the emerging technocracy, many people will become redundant from being replaced by artificial intelligence in the form of machines, robots, drones, programs...

Corruption of Unipolar EMF Radiation standards:


The video is a good example of the infrastructure being deployed for this reset. People are told that they will have faster internet and download speed with no mentioned of the looming radical technocratic transformation. Eventually the technology will be so pervasive, that people will be powerless to counteract it. A complete digitalized, AI, surveillance grid...

Grid tightening:


It is foreseeable that the entire world will be transformed including depopulated and administered through the artificial intelligence, digitalization, big data, and select population.


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