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I Don't Know Jack

1 year ago

I would be remise if I did not give thanks and respect to the reasons on why I inhabit this podcast genre space today.

It seems like every week that I listen to my favorite personalities on the podcast circuit, I learn something new, valuable and entertaining.

Although I have only been listening to Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast for around a year, only a few personalities have impressed me and impacted the directions of my life as much as Jack has.

Now, I know there are tons of Survival podcasts out there, thousands homesteading shows, but to run across and invest time into an all-encompassing, well rounded and real world informative show is a rare and valuable find.

Am I shilling? Am I trying smooze the Redneck Hippy Duck Farmer? Perhaps…

But this episode I wanted to share my experiences with his show, the value of becoming a member of his MSB (member support brigade) and do a review of a couple products that he represents in his TSPAZ shopping links.

I don’t know Jack, But if you listen enough to his podcast. You get the feeling he’s right next door
Welcome to Episode 16 of the Weather’d Soul
Show notes:

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